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  • Edu Martínez Piracés

    Instructor in

    Editorial design

    Discover their 5 questions +1


    Phantasia Services has an intriguing name. How did the idea to call it that come about, and what does it mean to you?

    Phantasia is a rather ambiguous term that Aristotle used to refer to the power of representation and imagination as a human capacity. We thought it was a fitting name for a group of people working with images.


    Edu Martínez Piracés

    I am Edu Martínez Piracés, a designer, editor, photographer, and educator. My work focuses on creative direction, editorial design, and digital experiences in the fields of culture, art, and fashion. Trained at the Eina School (UAB, Barcelona), I have worked in studios such as Clase (Barcelona), Stdin (Brussels), and Other Means (New York), and I currently co-direct the studio Phantasia in Barcelona. Among the disciplines I work in, the ones I enjoy the most are books and video, probably due to their sequential narrative logic. Another aspect I appreciate is their collaborative nature, and working with other people enriches and motivates me.


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