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  • Mónica Losada

    Discover their 5 questions +1


    You have worked in iconic studios such as Pentagram and Dumbar/DEPT®. How have these creative environments influenced your design and experimentation process?

    Working in such different cities, contexts, and teams has allowed me to view design from many different perspectives. In both places, I have been fortunate to be surrounded by professionals I admire and from whom I have learned a great deal. However, the learning processes have been quite distinct: From Dumbar, I take away a culture of experimentation and the understanding of the richness of teamwork. The studio culture there felt like a constant laboratory of trial-error-learning. This past year at Pentagram has taught me to understand a design project from its foundation: to develop the fundamental concepts that guide it and to understand its role within a specific context.


    Mónica Losada

    I am Mónica Losada, a designer from Barcelona, currently based in New York and part of the team at Pentagram. My work focuses on communication, print, and experimental design, with a deep emphasis on visual narratives, always guided by research and experimentation. It’s very easy to isolate oneself in front of the computer, but I believe you learn a lot by connecting with the community beyond social networks, exchanging ideas, and provoking new ones. Design is a living culture.
